Archive for the ‘writing’ Category

Same thing? The actor plays a role. The actor follows the rules and then plays the game. The discovery process for an actor is internal: realization through repetition. It is finding the essence of the action and seeing the self through many different perspectives. The interactor discovers a role. The interactor learns the rules by […]

Susie & Mark A new opera-play by Zeke Virant Oh, it ain’t easy, What’s me is me, Brain, rain, rain, brain, Tired. Fancy. Free. —Charlotte Howe Before sleep, with wine, and fine young times in love. Ain’t that a chamber opera, Susie & Mark? Singing and spinning, praying and living. Wine fine, nighttime, I don’t […]

A bum meets a deaf man. DEAF MAN is walking by BUM. BUM: Could you spare some change? Oh. Go on. Ignore me. God bless you, sir. DEAF MAN walks by BUM.   A teenager attempts to mug a magician. TEEN:  Give me all your fucking money. MAGICIAN:  Hey now! TEEN:  Shut it, fucker. I’m […]

…my friends and I are doing a staged reading of my new performance piece, Bottles, Nails, & Tambourines. Here’s a thing I wrote up for it:   BOTTLES, NAILS, and TAMBOURINES a new performance piece by Zeke Virant  Thursday, May 14, at the Blum/Avery Amphitheater, 7:00pm. Featuring three scenes of music, drama, and noises: bottles […]

Today, I am pleased to announce the release of my first book, There You Are! and Other Things. The book includes a poem, There You Are!, I started working on when I began composing the opera-thing, How to Look at the Ocean (Now I am a Flower), and finished shortly after completing the opera. This poem and […]