Shooting People in Video Games

Basic rules: Stop at red. Go on green. But to translate these rules into a virtual environment. To have to try to persuade someone to pause at a sidewalk.


Game’s are similar to a musical composition. Things are constantly being repeated. A propulsive structure: a structure the mind can follow and find a logic for following. The motif is shooting. The composition moves forward, the world is changing around me, and I got my reasons for going there.


A video game acquires its own world of time. There’s Doom: subtly unceasing, every step truly a step forward in the scheme of slaughter. Doom’s game play is with a death pact with pacing. Slow down, and the drama falls apart.


The parallel advance in technology and creative structure is the spirit of the times. The parallel advance in video game technology and the conceptional framework that creates them is the spirit of the times.

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